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ST. JOHN ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE 1234 Kentucky St, church basement (enter at north door) Saturday, November 16 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Sunday, November 17 9:00 am to 3:00 pm St. John the Evangelist Church invites you to its Annual Christmas Sale, located in the church basement, offering gently used decorations, gift items, trees, clothing & accessories.

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Paid Research Study Looking for participants ages 55-65 with normal hearing whose native language is English. Participate in listening and memory tests. As part of this study, you will also receive a hearing screening test. This study will take no more than 1.5 hours over 2 sessions and pay $18. Interested? Please send an email to kupplaboratory@gmail.com and include your Name, Age, and E-mail address.

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$18 10/25/2024
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